Galliano Di Marco, Venezia Terminal Passeggeri Managing Director, unanimously appointed President of Assiterminal Passengers Commission

Assiterminal, associating all the port operators in Italy, has renewed the charges of its technical commissions and working groups.

For the Passengers Commission, which has the purpose of studying and deepening all the issues related to the management of the passenger terminals in addition to the services and the technologies related to the travelers handling, the Chairman Luca Becce has proposed the nomination of Ing. Galliano Di Marco, Managing Director of Venezia Terminal Passeggeri (VTP), who has been unanimously appointed by the management.

I am grateful to the Chairman and to all the management for this challenging assignment. It is my privilege and I am sure that with the colleagues we will make a real contribution to the sustainable growth of this sector. The experience of Venice, with all its complexity, but also the on-going initiatives in others Italian ports can really be the best practices that Italy can – and must export throughout the World”, said Galliano Di Marco.