Cruise port security
Venezia Terminal Passeggeri S.p.A. is the port facilities management company, operating in Venice cruise port area. In consideration of the relevance of such public role, Venezia Terminal Passeggeri S.p.A. is moreover the formal recipient of the relevant international, European and National laws and regulations, in matter of port and maritime security.
Venezia Terminal Passeggeri S.p.A. is compliant with, but not limited to, the following laws and regulations in matter of port and maritime security:
– International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (c.d. Codice ISPS);
– Regulation (EC) No 725/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 March 2004;
– Directive 2005/65/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 October 2005 and relevant Italian compliance law;
– Maritime Security National Program (IT);
– Ministerial Decree No 154/2009;
– Port Facility Security Plan;
– Legislative decree No 196/2003 and subsequent amendments and additions;
– GDPR, UE Reg. 649/2016
In compliance with the above mentioned mandatory laws, Venezia Terminal Passeggeri S.p.A. has set up the PFSO Office (The Office of the Port Facility Security Officer), as a modern and specialized security office, responsible for the application and compliance with the relevant security measures.
The PFSO Office is managed by the Port Facility Security Officer (PFSO) and its main security team in charge (Deputy PFSO). All the mentioned personnel has been trained in compliance with the relevant IMO model course and the applicable port security laws.
The operating security measures.
Some of the security measures implemented by Venezia Terminal Passeggeri S.p.A. under its port areas, are as follow:
– Title of access check for people and vehicles;
– Vehicles security controls;
– Stores and provisions security controls;
– Security controls for people and relating baggages;
– X-Ray scanner controls;
– Walk-through and handheld metal detectors screening;
– Explosive Trace Detector Systems devices operating for any security service;
– Remote CC/TV monitoring system for port facilites;
– Perimeter and physical defenses.
The security team
The above mentioned security controls are carried out by the Guardia Particolare Giurata personnel, in compliance with the italian national laws, during night and day.
An integrated security process
Venezia Terminal Passeggeri S.p.A. and the PFSO Office on behalf of the company, interacts with the relevant public Authorities with competences in matter of maritime and port security:
– Venice Coast Guard (as, Designated Authority);
– Italian State Police – Border Police branch;
– Guardia di Finanza.
Venezia Terminal Passeggeri S.p.A. interacts with the public Authorities having general competences in the port area:
– Venice Port Authority;
– National Customs Agency;
– National Fire Fighters Corp;
– Bureau of Maritime, Air and Border Health – USMAF.
For further information about our security program, please call the following numbers:
The PFSO Office.
Switchboard: 041/2403000
Safety, Quality and Environmental Informations
In Venezia Terminal Passeggeri S.p.A. areas there is a first aid medical point, equipped with ambulance and a defibrillator device. The first aid point is run by a licensed doctor and it is opened at the presence of one or more ships.
Furthermore, Venezia Terminal Passeggeri S.p.A. has installed 2 (two) additional workstations, equipped with semi-automatic defibrillators that can be used by the general public (if trained) or by its 24 duly BLSD qualified employees.
Venezia Terminal Passeggeri S.p.A. is also continuously engaged in improving its services, above all in accident prevention in the workplace, including piers and areas open to the public.
The new port road system was also conceived by putting the passengers first, giving priority to the needs of a correct and safe transit in VTP areas.
The commitment of Venezia Terminal Passeggeri S.p.A. continues also through training and informative meetings with professional port operators within their given category, in order to provide an update on the risks and accident prevention measures.
Venezia Terminal Passeggeri S.p.A. subsequently initiated a virtuous path, through the involvement of institutional and private entities, aiming to propose measures to reduce noise, air emissions of fumes and to promote the use of renewable and alternative energy. A firm commitment is given by us that electricity totem are installed at the moorings for use by maxi yachts.